Dairy Universe India is an annual show that alternates between the locations of Mumbai and New Delhi. It is dedicated to the milk and milk products processing, packaging, storage and distribution industry.
India, world's largest milk producer, accounting for more than 16% of world's total milk production, is also the world's largest consumer of dairy products. Therefore, this is the ideal place to organize a trade show like Dairy Universe! If you're part of this industry, you can't let DUI pass you by!
In order to participate, you just need to book a stand and start preparing your trip to India! If you want to catch everyone's attention, it is always a good idea to invest in an attractive exhibition stand. Contact our team of experts in exhibitions and they'll find you the greatest Stand Design Companies in New Delhi!
Exhibitors Profile:
- Milk chiller, Pasteurizer, Welded PHE & UHT plant manufacturers
- Bactofuge, Separator & Clarifier manufacturers
- Yoghurt, Cheese & IceCream equipment manufacturers
- Ghee, Butter oil, Paneer, Shrikhand, Khoa, Gulabjamun and Rassogolla plant suppliers
- Milk evaporators, Sweetend condensed milk plants and spray dryer manufacturers
- Milk & Milk products packaging machine manufacturers
- Dairy plants for dairy products
- Automation, Data processing, Open loop & closed loop technology
- Milk safety and Quality management
- Operating materials, Environment technology and Bio-technology
- Refrigeration and Cooling technology
- Conveying, Transport and Storage facility
- Ingredients
- Service firms, Organisations and Publishers
- Among others!
Reasons to exhibit!
Come to Dairy Universe India! Here you will meet all the key personnel from milk processing & milk products manufacturing plants. Meet the people who play an important role in making decisions on the future investments by their respective organisations. As an exhibitor, here you'll also be able to:
- present your product range and get direct feedback;
- meet important buyers and decision-makers;
- establish and cultivate important business contacts;
- meet a wide number of visitors and exhibitors from abroad;
- find the latest machines, products and developments;
- boost your brand's visibility!
Here, you can interact with people who has an important role in making decisions on the future investments of their business or organizations.
The visitor profile are the following:
- Production.
- Purchasing and maintenance.
- Research and product development.
- Marketing.
- Capital goods.
- Suppliers.
- Chambers of commerce and cooperatives.
- Associations and government agencies – Press.