Services of SUISARQ SAC
In Suisarq know how to build and maintain a strong customer - brand relationship anticipating the needs , desires and expectations of the market , properly applying the design , decoration and fabrication of modules for the point of sale and exhibition stand , which achieve excellent results for its image. Our extensive experience in the Peruvian market and know how, consolidates our new image as a leader in the design and construction of stands , capable of providing solutions that increase the value of your brand in all relationships with customers. To do this, Suisarq with four lines of business , ADVERTISING ARCHITECTURE• POP Modules• information and tasting Modules• promotional and collapsible modules• Header gondola• Visual merchandising• corporate Stand• Stand in Aluminium profiles ( octanor )• Showrooms
COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE• Retail Stores• Agencies and centers• Ambientacion for chain stores• Atmosphere and office design.
CORPORATE SIGNAGE• Die and routing• Light boxes• Printing billboards• Corporate signage .
DISPLAYS• portable Modules• Portafolleteros• Display wall• Roll SREEM