Services of STANDIT

Bridamos Soluciones integrales e innovadoras con asesoría desde la conceptualización hasta la materialización de tu proyecto. Somos expertos en logística montaje y operación de eventos.

Contamos con taller y equipo calificado para crear la mejor experiencia para tu marca y el desarrollo de tu stand.


Nos ubicamos en puntos estratégicos, desde Estados Unidos, CDMX, Guadalajara, Monterrey, León, Cancún, Argentina, Colombia y Brasil.

Tenemos presencia en toda la República Mexicana donde podemos producir y montar tus stands a precios locales, SIN NECESIDAD DE FLETES o malos montajes 

Stands built by :STANDIT

Barber Dog
Barber Dog

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Your review will be very useful for our visitors.

STANDIT´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

Country Badges

These are some of the countries where STANDIT built stands


City badges

These are some of the cities where STANDIT built stands

Mexico City

Sector Badges

STANDIT has built stands in the following sectors


Stand size badges

From the smallest stands (XS, less than 9m2 ) to stands bigger than 1,000m2 (XXL), STANDIT is able to build stands of any size


Tradeshow Badges

STANDIT has experience in the following exhibitions

FIF - Feria Internacional de F...

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian