Stand Factory, S.L.

Stand Factory, S.L.

Elche, Spain

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Services of Stand Factory, S.L.

We develop free design stands projects, corners design, interior design and ephemeral spaces.

We have workshop and manufacturing team, we carry out both our own projects and collaborations with other studios.

We offer logistics and assembly services. Adapting to geographical need both nationally and internationally.

We offer you a wide range of promotional gifts suitable for your needs and your budget. And we help you find the promotional item you're looking for.

Large format digital printing and different media such as vinyl, fabric, PVC canvas, canvas paper, etc. Cutting vinyl solutions available in different colors. Ideal for decorating event spaces, exhibitions, vehicles, etc.

Milling machine /CNC/: Cutting and engraving services. We work materials such as methacrylate, PVC, DM, solid wood, foam, composite panels, etc.

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian