Services of Spendel GmbH Messebau
Full Service Exhibition Stands
Graphic walls
LED Graphic Walls
Graphic Suspensions
Graphic suspensions backlit
Graphic suspensions backlit with lighting
Services of Spendel GmbH Messebau
Full Service Exhibition Stands
Graphic walls
LED Graphic Walls
Graphic Suspensions
Graphic suspensions backlit
Graphic suspensions backlit with lighting
Stands built by :Spendel GmbH Messebau
Spendel GmbH Messebau photo gallery
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Spendel GmbH Messebau´s Badges
Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.
Country Badges
These are some of the countries where Spendel GmbH Messebau built stands
City badges
These are some of the cities where Spendel GmbH Messebau built stands
Sector Badges
Spendel GmbH Messebau has built stands in the following sectors
Stand size badges
From the smallest stands (XS, less than 9m2 ) to stands bigger than 1,000m2 (XXL), Spendel GmbH Messebau is able to build stands of any size
Tradeshow Badges
Spendel GmbH Messebau has experience in the following exhibitions
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Fluent in Spanish and English
Fluent in Spanish, English and German
Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian