Saint Events

Saint Events

Bali, Indonesia

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Services of Saint Events

Event Management :

  • Conference & Convention Management

  • Corporate & Incentive Meeting

  • Exhibition Management

  • Product Launching Management

  • Party & Gathering

Event Services :

  • Hotel & Meeting Packages

  • Tour & Transport Arrangement

  • Social Events Management

  • Traditional & Modern Entertainment

  • Media Handling

  • Outbound & Team Building

Team Support :

-  Conference Assistant

  • Master of Ceremony

  • Liaison Officer

  • Usher

  • Registration

  • Administration

  • Translator & Interpreter

-   Event Assistant

  • Personal Assistant

  • Promotion Assistant

  • Media Assistant

  • Airport & Transport Assistant

  • Logistic Assistant

  • Stage Assistant

  • Touring Assistant

  • Sales Promotion Assistant

Event Production :

  • Promotional Material production & management

  • Gift & Souvenir

  • Exhibition Booth ( standard & made-to-order )

  • Office Equipment rental

  • Stage & Rigging

  • Sound system

  • Lighting system

  • Audio Visual

  • Power Generator

  • Team logistic

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian