Profi Printing Media

Profi Printing Media

Bucharest, Romania

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Services of Profi Printing Media

Are you looking for an exhibition stand builder in Romania? You have come to the right place!With more than 12 years of experience in the field, we are part of the rise of our clients and we are proud of this.We love custom projects and after so many years in the field we hardly say:

► you will stay relaxed, because we save you a lot of work in arranging your exhibition booth

► you will be pleased of version 1.0 of the concept and you will reach the one that you consider perfect for you.

► you will have the certainty of a presence in the front line in the exhibition! We have sharpened our ability to turn your desire and need into a real project that will bring you memorable experiences



The exhibition stands with aluminium structure or modular stands, as they are known, come with many advantages for the client. These kind of constructions allows a large number of variants, from straight shapes to curved shapes, heights up to 5m, suspended structures, large illuminated boxes, the possibility of integrating the design in other types of constructions, such as those made of fiberboard, wood , etc.Versatility is the main advantage of an exhibition stand construction made of Mezzo modular structure. But compared to other types of construction, such as fiberboard, wood or metal, Mezzo exhibition stands are much more cost-effective.

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian