

Sao Paulo, Brazil

10 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.1/5
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Services of Premeg

Premeg Stands is a company specialized in the stand assembly, show rooms, promotional sales point and stage scenes, Premeg compromises when planning, manage and accomplish your events, under its policy “Premeg Semear Compromise”. In all these working years and market contacts, the Premeg professionals have been able to reinforce a very important concept: “the client appreciates and needs a customized work”, and our solution differences each kind of client and product. In these 30 years in the national market, Premeg Semear has built a solid name, marked by the competition, seriousness, honesty and quality, as a registered trademark. Stands: - To size - Standard - POPs - Displays/PDVs Premeg is a company dedicated to institutional communication. Offers customized works for newspaper and electronic magazines, for internal and external public, corporative web sites development, Web solutions and corporative celebrations organization areas, at any place within Brazil. Premeg’s goal is to offer service through usage of administrative techniques and modern technologies for a better attention of its clients´ necessities. In order to obtain the wished impact in institutional communication Premeg has incurred and specialized in: - Events - Promotions - Conventions - Marketing

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Rio de Janeiro

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian