

Bangalore, India

11 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.09/5
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Services of Pixalmate

Pixalmate is the premier experienced marketing agency, working with leading companies who are looking for innovative marketing solutions that motivate their audiences and activate their brands through live experiences. Pixalmate is a six year young company with a talented and professional bunch. Our desire in setting up inventive was to bring to it the best of the creative and lateral thinking, the very highest levels of client service. The biggest thing we have learn t from years of running events is that attention to detail is the absolute key. Do that right and the client will trust you implicitly and both you and they will have a more relaxed and enjoyable events program me. So that is what we do, original memorable events delivered with a service that puts attention to every detail first. A simple formula really, but one that has proven extremely successful and we are proud that independent research has borne out my beliefs.

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian