Montajes E-1000

Madrid, Spain

6 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.05/5
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Services of Montajes E-1000


Diseño y Construcción Efímera 1000, a Spanish company of booth design and building. For the company, every trade show constitutes an open market of commercial operations and, therefore, the most valuable instrument for the development of the companies.

Interest, recollection and connectivity are the effects that the booths have to make in the visitor. The work of Diseño y Construcción Efímera 1000 is to produce and to design functional booths, using powerful ideas and perfect finishings.

The methodology that Diseño y Construcción Efímera 1000 applies, is based on the study of the physical aspects with the purpose of setting them to achieve the aims that the exhibitor sets for each event.

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Montajes E-1000 ´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian