Mind Spirit Design LLC

Mind Spirit Design LLC

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

9 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.04/5
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Services of Mind Spirit Design LLC

We are a fully loaded design organisation with express solutions to all your design needs, be it your interiors, your exteriors, the marketing tools or your brand identity. Mind spirit started off with a strong mind and a high spirit in 2001. A team of experts was carefully selected and a strong organisation kick-started. Today we are firmly established and deliver quality work valuing time.


How we do it is simple. We all put our heads together, including you. The better we get to know you and how you want to be recognized, the better your target will respond to our design. We don't want to just say that we're better, we want to show you. The work on our site are examples of how we can take your project from an idea to a success story.


Our own success story can be attributed to many things, but we like to think it s because of our friendly attitude and our amazing designers. Working closely with our clients, we often act as an extension of your company, completely immersing ourselves in your business and the competitive environment that it sits in. That's where creativity that exceeds expectation thrives

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United Arab Emirates

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Abu Dhabi

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian