MDS Messebau und Service

MDS Messebau und Service

Buchholz, Germany

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Services of MDS Messebau und Service

Professional workPermanently employed and well instructed associates guarantee professional finished projects. Solid planning which is grounded on extensive Software from CAD and stretches from mass determination to word processing is the fundamental factor in our success.

OptimizationAll our daily activities are controlled by a computer based planning system. Our employees’ experience and advice continually add to the effectiveness of our concepts. All our projects are developed by our goal-oriented team at MDS without the use of subcontractors. Our experience stems from our presence at over 400 conventions within one year.

DesignOur qualified employees develop and combine the most different types of building a booth in order to create modern and individual concepts. Various styles can be created by new colors, materials and technology. Digital prints, modern light- and video technology bring new efficiency to system- or conventional booths

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian