Services of LaBadMkt
LaBadMkt is the first Spanish agency specialized in Architecture Marketing, with a unique working methodology in its area, we apply our cross-sectorial knowledge that we have in our company (PMI certificates, PRL auditor, graphic and industrial designs) for the best development of our projects.
Among our specialties, oriented to the architectural world, we must highlight:
Internal and external branding: big corporations have understood that their principal asset is their “BRAND”, and we endeavor to strengthen and introduce it in all their spaces, in both commercial and working places.
Design: Diseño, Disegno… One more time design, today everything is design but, is it all worth? The true one does, professional, the one that belongs to a whole, that balances form and substance, visual with efficient, that generates the most primitive incentives of communication, risky design but long-lasting, that is LaBadMkt’s design.
Ephemeral architecture: applying all our experience in architectonic world and joining it with our design team, we achieve that the event has an architectural and brand element coherent and stunning.