Services of Konarski Bzowski

For twenty years, Konarski & Bzowski has been ensuring that beautiful solutions are also practical and ergonomic spaces are breathtaking.Combining beauty with utility and high quality often seems impossible. Nothing is impossible for us! We design and implement interiors of houses, offices, fair stands, events and scenography so that they are a pleasure to look at, stay and work in.

The first impression is always decisive, which is why we approach each project individually, from small pieces of furniture to huge structures. We try to understand the expectations so that the project we create expresses the emotions of individual clients and the message of large corporations. By combining beauty and comfort, we make the customer happy and feel comfortable.

Create a place with us that everyone will think positively about and associate with you!

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Konarski Bzowski´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian