Services of KnowHow S.A
By means of the present, want to make you reach our more cordial greeting and put us to available to you as a provider of outsourcing services, wineries, production and implementation material pop, as is detailed in the information and accompanying presentation. The our company's goal is to provide a service to its customers integral at the point of sale, around the world of Visual merchandising and Trade marketing. Developing in different phases of campaign such as design, production, storage of marketing, logistics of implementation, control and audits at the point sales, replacement, supervision and sales. We deliver solutions tailored to our customers with focus on the result and efficient use of resources. In Know How provide transversality to our customers, from design, production, warehousing, implementation and control integral of our products and services. IMPLEMENTATIONS: We have coverage from Arica to Punta Arenas - Dispatch POP deployment - deployment of the stand- Maintenance of sales points. Storage has storage, reception, preparing orders, reverse logistics, distribution to point of sale system in line, service makeup, taking of inventory, box command integral all it It is logistics. Our services: audit of point of sale (AMPV). OUTSOURCING (BGR): Management of human resources in It seeks to differentiate the service of outsourcing on the market today, the idea is adapt to the culture of the client that is our goal. Attached proposal for service, we are attentive to their reviews.