jbb diseños

Panama City, Panama

23 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.2/5
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Services of jbb diseños

  • We offer you all kinds of architectural design and temporary structures.
  • Taking into consideration their needs, carry out the design and construction of your booth or local shopping, providing maximum benefit to your business in terms of image and display
  • We are designers of commercial façades, interior design for offices, residences, Commerce, working architectural plans in general.  scenery, structures and allegories rolling, celebrations (weddings, anniversaries, Christmas, others)

Stands built by :jbb diseños

Escenografia  tres propuestas en una, para el desarrollo de los eventos religiosos Jesuitas de MAGIS Internacional durante la JMJ Panama Stand :size :city
Escenografia tres propuestas en una, para el desarrollo de los eventos religiosos Jesuitas de MAGIS Internacional durante la JMJ Panama Stand :size :city
Escenografia con tres fondos giratorios y elementos estructurales de dos usos para espectaculo musical Stand :size :city
Escenografia con tres fondos giratorios y elementos estructurales de dos usos para espectaculo musical Stand :size :city
Stand  120m2
Stand 120m2
Escenografia para sala teatro en Circulo Septiembre 2019
Escenografia para sala teatro en Circulo Septiembre 2019

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jbb diseños´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

Country Badges

These are some of the countries where jbb diseños built stands


City badges

These are some of the cities where jbb diseños built stands

Panama City

Sector Badges

jbb diseños has built stands in the following sectors


Stand size badges

From the smallest stands (XS, less than 9m2 ) to stands bigger than 1,000m2 (XXL), jbb diseños is able to build stands of any size


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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian