Jave Allestimenti

Bologna, Italy

6 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.86/5
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Services of Jave Allestimenti

The holding of exhibitions Jave was born in the era when Bologna exhibition opens new headquarters in the Place de la Constitution (the current site). From the earliest times has specialized in the construction and preparation of the booths measuring the care of all aspects of a positive partnership with our customers and good references creandosi with the precision of work, quality of materials, facilities and availability needed, the competitive prices, the continuing search for ways and innovative components. In many years the company has evolved from a sole proprietorship, acquisition, in addition to the experience, the new machines, working primarily with wood (which remains the staple of most productions) and new and larger facilities for the manufacture, pre-assembly in place, the storage material. In more recent times has been invested in the acquisition of computer systems to further improve the design and presentation of our stands. Now think of the future!

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian