ITA.PRO. Italian Promotion

ITA.PRO. Italian Promotion

Rome, Italy

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Services of ITA.PRO. Italian Promotion

Thepersonality of a businessis not be underestimated. The formsofcommunicationare an expressionofyourwork ITA.PROis abletogive an interpretation to your business and turn itintouniqueand successful projects What is the central aspect of an eventoranexhibition?

What isthekeyfora successful fair orcorporate meeting

In the first instance,fromthe most appropriate tools, whichin this case consistofthe stand

In fact, itis theplace wherethegoodsareexposed,andwheretheadvertising orgraphicevidenceof aparticular typeof activity are posted on appealon the recipientisdeterminedbyitsdegree ofaccuracy,beautyand customer-friendliness

In which degreeastandinfluencethe successof a productVery highthisyou need to haveprofessionals to assist youproviding you with the beststandsever made for an important eventin yourbusiness calendar

Arealityon the riseinthe sector isrepresented byItalianPromotionsrlITA.PRO., a Rome-basedcompanythatformore thantwenty yearshas beendealing withthe design and dressingofstands,always with thehighest quality standardsand being abletocarry outitstasksin atimely and accurate manner

AskItalianPromotionsrl to build yourstandandyou will beverysatisfied with the result

In addition,ifyouneedhelpat the stageofdesignand graphicdesignadvertisingItalianPromotionsrlcan take care of that, as well.

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian