Imagine Displays Inc

Imagine Displays Inc

Beijing, China

9 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.11/5
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Services of Imagine Displays Inc

Imagine Displays, Inc. specializes in all aspects of marketing communications, providing their clients with award-winning design and total solution in advertising, branding, websites, exhibits, and showrooms since 2001.Imagination that exceed expectations. That's the attitude we take while producing events for the clients from fortune 500 every year. Since 2001, we've been producing expositions, conventions, corporate events and exhibits for a wide array of clients. And even after all those years, our goal remains the same — to bring people together — to inform, to inspire, to promote business, and to build relationships, face-to-face. The Imagine family and our family of employees have worked hard to earn a reputation for quality, integrity, innovation and a commitment to our industry.

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian