Imagens Promoçoes

Imagens Promoçoes

Brasilia, Brazil

11 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.97/5
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Services of Imagens Promoçoes

Imágens Promoçoes, pioneer in the events market at Brasilia, one stands out after a 28 years trajectory, for being a tradition and competitiveness brand in general events organization and infrastructure assembly services. Market Leader, Imagens Promoçoes, makes national and international scope congresses, being always identified by his excellent production. The offered services include projects development, production and fairs and congresses assembly, promotional stands, and additional rental: cell telephones, computers, frigo-bar, conditioned air, TVs, datashows and others. Imagens Promoçoes is a company specialized in events structures´ assembly for fairs, symposiums and congresses. Focused on the center-west region, offering organization, projects and stands assemblies services. With a vision centered in offering a qualified service, with high quality level, establishing strategists plans which caused Imágens Promoçoes to become the best events market services supplier.

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Imagens Promoçoes´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

Country Badges

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City badges

These are some of the cities where Imagens Promoçoes built stands

Belo Horizonte
Ribeirão Preto

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