Services of HN Logística Ferial
HN Logistica Ferial puts into disposition a team of specialists in booth design and building that help to transform your event in a success.
HN Logistica Ferial offers design and promotional booths, made with all the resources and material that adapts to your budget. The booth is a powerful marketing tool that powers your corporate image.
Also modular assembly is offered, where in a reduced space a modular booths of wood, aluminum, or the most convenient material is placed. The service also includes decorative furniture with chairs, tables, stools, cabinets and any complement.
On the other hand, in tents and marquees of all types of assembly are offered, from simple tents to the most spectacular, completely equipped with heating, air conditioning, portable baths, lights and sound. Also, there is a merchandise transportation option in the national and international area for trade shows, congresses or any another act.