Services of Gr Diseño
We are pleased to introduce nuestraempresa GR design as well as the fan service and resources that we make available for that in the future, we can assist you with the quality yprofesionalismo that you deserve. GR design is a company created desde1992 and an integral distributor international commercial ysocio of the most important German business world in the field of the exhibiciontemporal and standing in the world than esOCTANORM Vertriebs Gmbh based enStuttgart.GR design joint team Dedisenadores (industrial, graphic yArquitectos) dedicated to deconceptos for solution development of losrequerimientos presentation of commercialrepresentation or services, as well as elposicionamiento of its identidadcorporativa in different markets , using the niche of the fairs yExposiciones for that purpose. We have full confidence in nuestracapacidad creative and productive estandoseguros resolving cualquierstand design by complicated and laborious than estesea. We control each of all parties the process of design and fabricaciondebido to our self-sufficiency, alcóntar with infrastructure and personalespecializado for this purpose, as for example the use of software paradiseno of last generation, equipment ymaquinaria adequate and sufficient paraprocesar different materials procedures involved in the manufacturingof a stand. In the same way we have unriguroso control logistics to ensure it delivered in time and form nuestrosmontajes and disassemblies either in Mexicodirections abroad, and 20 years I work continuing, confirm this fact.