Services of Global Stand, S.L.
Specialty: Global Stand develops your booth project with from a strategic conception design to its fullfilment of the booth building and mounting. You decide where to start from and what you want to reach. Global Stand offers its new health division services: Globalstand Health. Pioneers in taking care of your booth´s health! Offered services: Personalized and comprehensive service, quality-cost balance, contrasted experience, 24hs attention, new ideas, management, installations in Madrid and Barcelona. Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, Russian, German, Dutch and Arabic. Experience: 20 years in trade shows sector. Jobs done: Among others, the Company handled these shows: Construmat, Expoquimia, Intergift, Alimentaria, Veteco, Salón Automovil, Matelec, Hostelco, Planet Futbol, Sici, Cevisama, Biemh, Semana Tecnologica, Conxemar, Ferroforma, Hispack, Bta, Simo, Fitur, Sil, Salón Inmobiliario, Horeq, Broadcast, bBmp, Expoaviga, Heimtextil, Textilhogar, Fiaa, Maquitec, International Stroke, Piscinne, Eurosurfas, Equiplast, Smopyc, Salón Piscina, Sitc, Fitur, Cosmobelleza, Eadv, Anticuarios, Fimma, Fira Andorra la Vella, Feria del Mueble, Cebit. Service Capabilities: Unlimited, custom made. Specialists on last minute works. Enjoy the utmost tranquility.
Specialists on Chemical/Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Lab Sectors. Kinds of Booths Mountings: Customized Booths designs jointly analized with the customer. Assembly Materials: Of all kinds, daily innovations, carpentry, metalworking, crystals, plv´s, pvc, methacrylate, signage, fiberglass, paint, lighting, audiovisuals, supporting material, textiles, gardening, signs, air conditioning, furniture and a long etcetera. Covered Geographical Area: The World! Global Stand Working Model: Initial contact and meeting with the customer, briefing. Within 12 days project will be presented with 3D renders, plans (video or model according to work), and the correspondent budget. Corrections if were needed, budget acceptance, follow up and daily attention through mounting, job deliver 24hs before inauguration. Recommended anticipated contact: When customer requires. Work together with Trade Shows and Meetings Organizers: Yes. Other options: Official booths design and mounting suppliers at Fira Barcelona. Fees: According to needs. What´s included: Everything is included, there are no surprises. Offers:
- Work delivery 24hs before inauguration reflected on budget.
- Special fees for loyalty, guaranteed.
- Discounts on re- mountings, depending on features.
- Discount on following jobs by recommending the companies´ services to other potential customers.
- Extraordinary promotions.