Global Construcciones SRL

Global Construcciones SRL

Buenos Aires, Argentina

11 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.03/5
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Services of Global Construcciones SRL

Global Construcciones is an Architecture Study, in Argentina, dedicated to provide integral solutions in advertising architecture development, specialized in the stands design and construction with more than 20 years in the national market. The objective set up by Global Construcciones is to obtain your company’s best institutional presence in exhibitions, events and sale points.  Global Construcciones is formed by a first class professional’s team, ready to analyze your individual case and immediately displaying a project in accordance to your necessities. In stands design and construction, Global Constructions, appear as an innovating and quality option, with designs fit to the client’s necessity, maximizing its investment in its next event, exhibition or promotional campaign. Global Construcciones Services: Stands design and construction  POP UP Stands Totems  Banners

(The Totem is compound of a base for display made in painted to fire steel in a wide range of colors. The superior panel can be made in wood, with plastic overlays, crystal float, polyfan, etc. that admits the positioning of accessories like brochure holders, corporals, etc.)

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Buenos Aires

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian