Expovision Sweden AB

Expovision Sweden AB

Goteborg, Sweden

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Services of Expovision Sweden AB

Exhibition stand design, drawing, 3D presentation and cost estimation.

Stand sizes from 30sqm to 2000sqm

Modular prototyping of display units or reception desks

Prebuild testing in our factory.

Vectrix modular machining on 3D CNC machine.

Alluminium modular banner display systems integrated into the designs

Modular system (Dismountable display system for multiple use) transport box design and manufacture.

Exhibition venue site visits Internationally and venue consultations for design criteria and build regulations.

Staff assignment to National and  international venue build and dismantle function.

Shipment of systems to venues and return shipment to clients or our own storage facility for future despatch.

Electrical installations. 

Plumbing installations.

Equipment hire as per client request.

Expovision Sweden AB Reviews

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Exhibition Stands Goteborg published

Excellence comes from decades of service to top clients.
Roy Bowden

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