

Santiago Chile, Chile

10 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.37/5
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Services of Expone

Expone S.A. is a Chilean company that works in all the Chile national territory

The Expone policy as company is to lend integral service, which guarantees:

the opportune delivery with all the necessary elements, for the correct Stand operation (turn key).

It counts on a wide range of elements to satisfy your event accomplishment, the leasing value contemplates its logistics, assembly and dismounting.

  • .Stand Design and manufacture.
  • .Graphic Design and impression.
  • Fairs and exhibitions Modulation: It makes the fairs and exhibitions modulation according to the client requirements, made with panels in order to divide the exhibitors used spaces, facilitates the electrical system, if necessary provides the flooring and basic furniture.
  • Provides hostesses, professional models and promoters

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Santiago Chile

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian