Exhibit Concepts

Exhibit Concepts

Cincinnati, United States

9 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.32/5
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Services of Exhibit Concepts

With a 95-percent client retention rate, this certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBENC) charges on with one corporate mantra: "Help brands realize their greater potential." Honors all quotes with no "after the fact" surprises and puts in writing that any errors will be fixed on their dime. Over the last year, the focus has been on operational efficiency and tech infrastructure upgrades. Also bolstered the creative team and social media menu. Offers in-house printing, has a client-accessible eManagement system and is fanatical about its measurement tools and pre-show set-up kits. Pushes to save time at the show by pre-wiring and pre-staging kits. 124

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United States

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