Exert Solutions & Consulting

Lisboa, Portugal

7 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.63/5
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Services of Exert Solutions & Consulting

Ego Eventos provides global event services and is now launching in the market, completing the services of Pavilhão 3 Group. Attending the needs of the market, Ego Eventos and Pavilhão 3 joined resources to form a group of companies with the ability to provide a global service and excellence to customers, responding on all fronts and enhancing the area of events, brand activation, communication and sponsorship.

EGO EVENTS Events, Communication, Trade Shows, Music Festivals, Congress, Seminars, Meetings, Product launches, Conventions, Christmas Dinners. PAVILHÃO 3 Design - Projects 3D, AutoCAD, and specialty engineering projects, building permits and electrical. Production - Carpentry, iron, lacquer, large format printing Logistics - 3800m2 covered storage and production / 12 cars / trucks

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian