Esa Project srl

Esa Project srl

Bologna, Italy

11 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.91/5
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Services of Esa Project srl

Esa Project srl arises from the need to complete the established creative abilities with an organizational structure and business can meet the new demands of ever-changing market. Over the years we have specialized in the field of architecture for exhibition stands, stage sets for conventions and special events. This has allowed our team to acquire a great experience and specific expertise. Our goal is' to provide a complete package that includes all the parts of your presence at the fair, from design to manufacturing, from graphics to audio / video in order to manage the whole project in the most appropriate and convenient. Our philosophy ' to always create a customized design adapting the image that the company wants to give of himself, expressing the target that aims to achieve, enhance the product you want to launch, in full compliance with the allocated budget. The road which we followed and we will follow and 'to make use of staff and suppliers of quality and proven experience, in order to obtain a realization of faithful adherence to project both architectural and graphic. Our strength to provide the customer the attention it deserves is to follow a limited number of customers for each event, in order to achieve a concrete result and satisfying.

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian