Santiago Chile, Chile

9 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.04/5
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Services of DISEÑOR

Durga was born to beginning of the 2011, with the objective of professionalizing them services of design, Marketing and manufacturing of furniture and retail. Our mission is to meet the requirements, terms requested, providing a value added service highly professional. Be a serious company, being a gentleman in our work... Disenor.actualmente has two area:agencia > formed by a team of designers and advertisers, specialized in the development of strategies, launches, activations, promotions, Trade and in particular, the direct contact with the consumer, which is the channel more cash for our customers: factory > formed by industrial designers, furniture along with the technical team that allows us to control deadlines and quality the customer needs. The service of factory consists of power make the designs and manufacture, as well as participate in tenders with already established designs. Our search, is give the best service, delivering design, manufacture, implementation of forms and ideas of way efficient, to boost them marks of our customers.

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Santiago Chile

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