diseño & comunicación

diseño & comunicación

Montevideo, Uruguay

11 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.91/5
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Services of diseño & comunicación

Our company has with personal endowed of varied skills artistic in different fields of the area of design and realization, that guarantees the best application of knowledge in decorated, scenery and environments in general. We have extensive experience, both working on designs and realizations with other professionals, like on our own designs, both in the scenic area and in the advertising, with functions such as coordination of design, planning and implementation teams. We imagine, interpret and perform our work according to the needs of our customers in each of the cases, interacting with them, creating a dynamic that accomplishes that this cooperation will directly favor the final result of the project. Rely on our services, which are one of the most efficient tools to promote your company, product or service. web://www.dycomunicacion.com

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Buenos Aires

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian