Diper Diseñadores

Diper Diseñadores

Bogotá, Colombia

11 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.84/5
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Services of Diper Diseñadores

In DIPER DESIGNERS LTDA., For over 20 years we have been leading specialists in the design, improvement and development of strategies, spaces and elements for display of goods and services (Halls, Stands, Set Up, Shows, Showrooms, Shops, Kiosk Business, Displays, Displays, product launches, events, etc), fully advising our clients in managing corporate image, enmarcándonos functionally within their commercial projects as an ally, which aims for them to achieve their marketing objectives proposed. We have a projection both domestically and internationally, which is why in 1999, Diper expanded its operations and sales efforts, opening an office in South Florida, United States. Since that time has serviced Diper successfully recognized American companies, supported by a professional team of Design, Engineering and Architecture, with the knowledge and experience to turn your ideas into projects so successfully fulfill all expectations, arranging for creative development is supported by modern computer techniques and use of materials and production processes with high quality standards. Thanks in advance for the fact of us into account and look forward to successfully deliver the solution to your needs.

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian