Dienggo Kreasi Nusantara

Dienggo Kreasi Nusantara

Jakarta, Indonesia

10 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.7/5
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Services of Dienggo Kreasi Nusantara

Dienggo comes from javanese languange, means “use it”. Start from thethought that these days anybody will look after for user-friendly products.Our objective is to have a user-friendly, functional, outstanding and differentproduct from others. From creating a good product concept, monitoringproduction process, assessing the quality up to serving the product to ourcustomers are our way in Dienggo.Premium products that lead to loyal clients is Dienggo’s goal and that whatmakes a philosophy for us “Simple and Outstanding”

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Dienggo Kreasi Nusantara´s Badges

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