BD Expo Srl

BD Expo Srl

Bergamo, Italy

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Services of BD Expo Srl

We are the Italian Company that specialises in the engineering and production of furniture and display systems for trade fairs, exhibitions and events.

Our many years of experience at the service of trade fair and event organizers and companies, have granted us the capability to expand and broaden our knowledge into the study and development of FOLDING Furniture Systems, for furnishing large areas, with incredible results:

   • Reducing warehouse STORAGE space

   • Reducing TRANSPORT volume

   • Exceptional set-up and break-down SPEED

   • Incredible SIMPLICITY avoiding specialist manual labour

We offer SALES and HIRING with or without SET-UP and BREAK-DOWN SERVICES, and TRANSPORT to the event site. Our services are directed to organizers of trade fairs and events, staging companies, advertising agencies and to all companies that need to furnish any space.  

Our motto is "Efficiency, reliability and transparency", you can view all of our products on our web-site, with the possibilty to immediately create a list of products which interest you. Following this you can see:

• The Price          • The Volume          • The Set-up Time          

At this point send us your request. We will respond providing the best solution to suit your needs.

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian