Art Bek Design stands e eventos

Art Bek Design stands e eventos

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

10 opinions on Neventum Rate: 4.21/5
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Services of Art Bek Design stands e eventos

An event is always a great opportunity to display their products , so it is important that your Stand is according to the profile of their respected Company . I am sending the Folder of my company so you can learn a little about our work . I would appreciate an opportunity for a possible partnership in this event .Send us an breefing so we can introduce you to a project without compromise.We are always interested in performing and executing projects to meet desired and please our customer.We work with :Design , production and assembly of stands , scenography , secretary , stages , kiosks , displays and wooden octanorm .Assembly shows , conferences , seminars , etc. . throughout Brazil and abroad.Services administration prosecutors , stockers and demonstrators .Information system point of saleSpace management and support in negotiating extra pointsDesign and production of merchandising tools , new strategies and tools for exposure and distribution of POP material .Everything related EventsCall 21 3474-3837 / 9431-1363 and make your project without costGoogle Tradutor para empresas:Google Toolkit de tradução para appsTradutor de sitesGlobal Market Finder

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Country Badges

These are some of the countries where Art Bek Design stands e eventos built stands


City badges

These are some of the cities where Art Bek Design stands e eventos built stands

Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian