Created in 2002, Mico in Bogotá is dedicated to comercial architecture under the direction of Gabriel Escobar. With a team composed...
Bogotá, Colombia
Stand Contractors in Colombia. Exhibition Stands and Exhibition Stands Design in Colombia. Find Stand Contractors in the principal cities of Colombia Page 11
Created in 2002, Mico in Bogotá is dedicated to comercial architecture under the direction of Gabriel Escobar. With a team composed...
Bogotá, Colombia
Escaparatismo & Diseño, a constant research thru shapes and spaces with the clear aim of getting the major visibility or our customer´s...
Bogotá, Colombia
Delphos Architects, a group of professionals dedicated to the design and assembly of stands. Custom Stands, Commercial Spaces and Events...
Bogotá, Colombia
Matrix Design, is pleased to present our design services, production and assembly of stands, show rooms, scenery, spaces and displays....
Bogotá, Colombia
We are a company dedicated to the world of the Stands with offices in Panama, Colombia & Venezuela with over 20 years of experience,...
Bogotá, Colombia
Nexus exhibits S.A.S. We understand the importance of cause the best impression! Nexus exhibits S.A.S., is a Colombian company headquartered...
Bogotá, Colombia
With the intention to publicize our services portfolio, it would be of great importance for us the chance to show the alternatives...
Bogotá, Colombia
NOVA Logistica - Stands - Eventos
NoVa logistics StAnDs & events, is a company dedicated to the marketing and sale of goods and services related with events corporate...
Bogotá, Colombia
Two design is an organization of professionals in architecture, industrial and graphic design together to provide a complete service...
Bogotá, Colombia
We are a company with 15 years of experience in design, production and Assembly of exhibition stands at national and foreign. We...
Bogotá, Colombia