Bienal do Livro de São Paulo - Sao Paulo International Book Biennial - brings together Brazil's main publishing houses, bookstores and distributors, which present the most important editorial launches to 800,000+ visitors. In addition to being a business gathering, this event also brings together the major representatives from the book creative and production chain, such as businesspeople, journalists and writers from all over the world.

If you're part of this industry, don't let this incredible event pass you by. It can definitely be a great opportunity for you and your company! In order to stand out, contact our team of experts in trade shows. We collaborate with thousands of Stand Booth Contractors in Sao Paulo and we can easily find the one that best fits your needs and budget!

Bienal Libro Brasil

Exhibitor Profile

Exhibitors on the Book Biennial of São Paulo are national and international companies from the following sectors:

  • Publishers;
  • FreeIndependent writers;
  • Distributors;
  • Book stores;
  • Importers;
  • Exporters;
  • Materials and services associated with book production;
  • Paper manufacturs;
  • Printers;
  • Newspapers and magazines that have regular literaly sections.

Join this fair and meet many companies/publishers and authors such as: AbiGraf, Abrelivros, Alice Victória, All Print Editora, Artes e Oficios Editora, BaoBab Books, CIA Editora Nacional e Conrad, Diários de Viagem, DPL Editora e Distribuidora, Editora Cançao Nova, Caros Amigos, Editora Nelpa, Nova Fronteira, Elefante Letrado among several others!

Bienal Do Livro

Reasons to join this event

Participate and you will be able to:

  • Interact face to face with thousands of key buyers from all around Latin America;
  • Introduce new products and services to an expert audience;
  • Gain greater visibility for your company;
  • Benefit from an intense media coverage;
  • Generate sales leads and build relationships with prospects;
  • Launch new products and survey attendees about new product ideas;
  • Keep up on industry trends;
  • Position your brand and increase awareness,
  • ... and so much more!

Raquel Dias

Editorial Staff in neventum