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Trade shows, beyond the stands
Exhibit at Mobile World Congress Barcelona
The Mobile World Congress, is the world's most important conference on mobile technology. It presents all the news and views for the future of mobile technology, with a program full of interesting activities for attendees, as well as conferences with special guests (such as the founder of Wikipedia,... read more
Cosmoprof Bologna, the world’s leading cosmetic event!
Cosmoprof Bologna is the world’s leading event attended by all the suppliers, producers and distributors from the cosmetics industry. It is the best place to showcase (and find!) current and new trends in beauty, spa, skincare products and nails. Planning on joining the Cosmoprof Bologna? If so, do... read more
CES Las Vegas, the official media event of CES
CES Las Vegas is where innovations in audio, automotive electronics, gaming, video, wireless devices, wireless services and digital imaging/photography are presented to the market. Join! If you're part of this industry, don't let CES pass you by. It can definitely be a great opportunity for you and... read more
Tips and tricks for your Stand
AMB Stuttgart, Exhibition for Metal Working
From September 16 to September 20, 2004 it will be held the AMB in Stuttgart, Germany. It is an International exhibition for metal working. This event is between the world’s top five exhibitions for this field and industry. AMB is a leading industry event for years and present and offer its v... read more
Premium the major trade show for Advanced Contemporary Fashion
Premium is an International Fashion Trade Show for Advanced Contemporary Fashion that held in STATION-Berlin on July 4 to July 6. The trade show featured more than 1,000 brands and 1,800 collections and is the only one in the world to bring together premium brands from the fashion and... read more
Exhibiting at Caspian Ecology
Held in Baku, Caspian Ecology is the only event for ecology and environmental protection in the Caspian and Caucasus regions. It covers the following categories: Solid waste Water and waste water Noise, air and soil pollution Sludges Waste gas Green energy Urban environmental Measurement and contr... read more
Frequently Asked Questions about Stands
Everything you ever wanted to know before hiring a stand for your fair, if you still have doubts, write to us at
The average price of a 24m2 stand in Europe can range from 5,000 euros in Milan to 8,000 in Frankfurt, while in the USA an 18m2 stand will not cost less than 12,000 euros.
The design stands are made to measure, designing each of the pieces, from the walls to the furniture, ... and are single-use.
Modular stands are designed to be reusable and employ modular structures that are assembled and combined. They have many more design limitations than custom stands.
The average price per m2 of a modular stand in Europe is between 20 and 40 o while the design stand ranges from 200 to 400 o m2.
The most expensive country is USA where the price per square meter of a stand can exceed 1,200 euros in cities like New York for a normal stand (if we want something more sophisticated the price would skyrocket a lot more.)
Unlike the US is Canada and then we would have to refer to the countries of northern Europe.
The city has a greater impact than the fair because the price of the labor is the same to build a stand in a technology fair than in a furniture fair.
However, in fairs where the product on display has an outstanding position such as fairs of machinery or furniture is usually invested less than in trade fairs of services such as pharmaceuticals or technology.
In terms of costs the buying stand is usually between 4 to 5 times more expensive than the rental stand.
In contractual terms a buying stand belongs to the exhibitor who orders it (either with modular structures or with design structures) thinking of amortizing at different fairs.
Instead the rental stand the exhibitor asks for a custom design and the stand builder builds it thinking that it has a single use so it uses much more fdetable materials and does not have to deal with the fact that the stand will have to be reused.
No, sometimes it's much more expensive. For example if you are going to exhibit in Germany and your stand is not of special complexity sometimes it is much cheaper to order the stand from a Dutch, Spanish, Polish or Italian builder than a German one since the costs of material or labor in Germany are very Upper.
The main problem in such cases is the loss of flexibility in the face of unforeseen events, which at the fair are often many.
When you hire the Decoration for the Stand, in general, the service includes:
- the design of the environment, made by an interior designer
- rental of the furniture used
It may not include the design and printing of the graphic material/textile prints.
The modular stands are made with a structural system, easy to assemble and disassemble. The use of this type of stands favors the reuse of material and you can order the modules according to your needs.
A modular stand in itself is not different from the other stands of a fair. If you use one, it is highly recommended to invest in the rental of furniture and graphic prints,to differentiate yourself from the competition and reinforce the image of your brand.
Thus, your company can save costs in the construction and transport of the stand without sacrificing creativity and its branding goals.